Self-Pity Party Time
Party time! Self-pity party, that is. Sometimes as Moms, we really do just need to feel sorry for ourselves once in awhile. After all, with all *we* do? Doesn’t anyone NOTICE or APPRECIATE us?!? Girl, break out that chocolate and wine all you want – you’ve earned the Self-Pity Party Time Badge!
Party time! Self-pity party, that is. Sometimes as Moms, we really do just need to feel sorry for ourselves once in awhile. After all, with all *we* do? Doesn’t anyone NOTICE or APPRECIATE us?!? Girl, break out that chocolate and wine all you want – you’ve earned the Self-Pity Party Time Badge!
Party time! Self-pity party, that is. Sometimes as Moms, we really do just need to feel sorry for ourselves once in awhile. After all, with all *we* do? Doesn’t anyone NOTICE or APPRECIATE us?!? Girl, break out that chocolate and wine all you want – you’ve earned the Self-Pity Party Time Badge!